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Putting Stock in Technology Predictions

Ok, I'm no psychic or anything, but 2 out of 3 my tech predictions have so far come true.

Last weekend, I was at a lounge in Atlanta talking to a friend who DJs at Twist and owns a design company. I had a conversation with him a few years ago about blogs and rss and their ability to send out info and updates quickly to the info hungry like myself. He was like, "Never heard of it... it'll never catch on... but we have email..." and so forth and so on. Last weekend he ate those words, since he has a blog now - lol.

So I told him my latest prediction about copyright infringement, search engines and content owners (it's too long to blog about here). And of course he was like "Well it's free advertising... there aren't any alternatives... it'll never happen..." and so forth and so on. Though it's still a prediction now, I've already seen the seeds growing....

But onto the point of the post....

Yahoo Research Labs with O'Reilly Research has started The Tech Buzz Game. It's a Virtual Stock Market.
The Tech Buzz Game is a fantasy prediction market for high-tech products, concepts, and trends. As a player, your goal is to predict how popular various technologies will be in the future.

In a way it's similar to Blogshares. Except that the "buzz" is measured by the number of searches performed in Yahoo on a given topic. Now all that keyword research, tech reading, search engine forum lurking, and RSS subscribing I do may pay off... cool.

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